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K-5 Family Handbook & Resource Guide

Webster Central School District is pleased to share the  K-5 Family Handbook. This interactive tool for families of students in our elementary schools provides an overview of many facets of the learning that our students will be engaging in throughout the school day. 

Much more than a "nuts and bolts" explanation of our policies and practices, the guide describes our instructional program, with information pertaining to literacy, mathematics, art, music, library, and physical education.  Additional topics include how students are supported throughout the school day and the avenues to foster stronger school-to-home relationships.

The guide includes a number of features to create an interactive reading experience.  Those reading a print version, which will be distributed at the schools' curriculum nights, can use the embedded QR codes and an internet enabled smart phone or tablet (with an installed QR code reader app) to be linked to specific webpages.  The on-line version includes live links to go along with the QR codes, as well as features to more easily navigate through the document on your computer.

Regardless of how this publication is accessed, we hope that families find it to be an informative and useful resource as they navigate through this school year.

Building Our Students' Mathematical Thinking
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Family Engagement 
Classroom Celebrations
Food Service
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