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Compassionately Connected, Joyfully Engaged, Always Learning


Engaging with our stakeholders on critical topics

As part of our ongoing efforts to build trust and support in our school system, Webster CSD uses the community engagement platform ThoughtExchange. In doing so, it is our goal to promote stakeholder engagement through a user-friendly, online tool that allows community members to share their thoughts and ideas on a specific topic affecting our school system.

What is a ThoughtExchange art

ThoughtExchange is an open-ended, confidential, and easy-to-use digital environment. After sharing your thoughts, you can rate views provided by other stakeholders. You can rate as many opinions as you’d like before moving on to the "Discover" phase, where you can see all of the thoughts sorted by the average rating.

Quick tips

  • This exchange is confidential. Your thoughts will be shared, but no one will know your identity including the district.
  • Please be polite and respectful as you share and rate thoughts.
  • If you see a thought that is rude, hurtful, or identifies a person or group, you can report it by clicking in the upper right corner of the thought.
  • You do not need to rate all thoughts in this exchange. It is appreciated and recommended to rate around 30 over the time the exchange is open.


Webster CSD takes pride in connecting our schools to the community, and ThoughtExchange is one way to accomplish this goal. As an integral component of our community, we are committed to constructive dialogue and collaboration with our stakeholders on issues that affect our schools and students. We welcome your comments, including constructive criticism. We also strive for as much transparency as possible; however, we recognize the need to ensure the conversation is safe and respectful. As such, the district makes use of ThoughtExchange's automated moderation that can identify specific thoughts for review by the district's ThoughtExchange moderators before public posting. If a thought you posted does not appear, it simply means it has been flagged for review as potentially violating our moderation criteria. After the thought is reviewed, if it is not in violation, it will be approved for posting.

Moderation Criteria

WCSD will remove comments that include the following:

  • Obscene, profane, rude, or vulgar language or images
  • Personal attacks that target specific individuals/groups, or posts containing personal information
  • Threats, defamatory statements, and/or violent, hateful, or racist language
  • Advocacy for any illegal activity
  • Spam, advertisements, or solicitations of any kind
  • Infringement on copyrights or trademarks
Thank you for sharing your voice. Your participation in the ThoughtExchange process is invaluable.

Closed ThoughtExchange: Community Feedback on District Budget

Webster CSD welcomed feedback from all district community members on planning a budget for a school district that serves 8,100 students and 1,600+ staff members. Knowing the feedback of our community will help us develop a budget that reflects your input for our students. Thank you to everyone who participated.

Opened: January 3, 2024    Closed: January 31, 2024

Community Feedback Budget: Summary Report

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