E-flyers are a great way for non-profit groups and organizations in the Webster CSD community to share information on events and programs within our One Webster Community. All newly approved e-flyers are shared once (usually Wednesdays) via district social media: X @wcsdproud and Facebook www.Facebook.com/WebsterCentralSchools. Also, they are added to the E-flyers Newsletter that is shared with parents/guardians weekly through ParentSquare. They remain in the newsletter for up to three weeks. Webster CSD does not share paper copies of flyers unless they are for school, district, or Webster PTSA sponsored events or activities. Flyers for district/school-sponsored events and programs do not contain the disclaimer.
Webster Central School District does not sponsor nor endorse these activities. This information is provided solely as a community service.
E-flyer Protocol
Flyer must include the following disclaimer placed anywhere on the flyer, any size, any font but must be readable to the naked eye:
This event, activity, or program is not sponsored by Webster Central School District. Approval does not imply endorsement, but is a courtesy service to the community. -
Flyer must include name of the person and/or organization making the request.
Flyer must include email address, phone number, and/or website address persons can reach out to with questions.
Flyer must be one page only with NO MORE THAN one flyer per organization at a time with the exception of PTSA, which will be permitted up to two, and district/school flyers.
Flyer must be submitted by the Friday before the next week's newsletters postings (which are usually scheduled for Wednesday) but not more than three weeks prior to the event or sign-up deadline. Only one flyer is allowed each week per organization/group with the exception of the district, Webster CSD schools, and PTSA.
Submit completed flyer in png, jpg, or pdf format to Jenifer_Calus@webstercsd.org, subject line e-flyer. Please do NOT reach out directly to principals or the schools. Please note: All flyers will be converted to jpg or png in order to post on district social media and in ParentSquare. This means clickable links will not work.
Flyers will be reviewed once a week. Senders will be notified if the flyer is approved, if modifications are necessary, or if the flyer is denied. E-flyers will not be reviewed or posted when school is not in session, such as legal holidays or school recess (with the exception of summer recess). Flyers that are in conflict with school/PTSA/district-sponsored programs will not be approved. E-flyers are for non-profit groups or events within Webster CSD. The district will not be held liable for incorrect information within an e-flyer. The district reserves the right to retract any e-flyer posting.