WCSD follows the CDC respiratory virus guidance for COVID-19.
Students should return to school when they meet the all of the following criteria:
1. exhibit significant improvement of symptoms
2. are fever-free for at least 24 hrs without fever-reducing medication
Consult with the school nurse if you have any questions.
Health Concerns: Please call or email me with any concerns you may have regarding your child's health. If you child is ill or injured and cannot fully participate in school activities, please have the doctor write a note for the nurse. Refer to these District Health Office links for more info: Illness/Communicable Disease and Injury/Activity Restrictions
Medications: If your child needs to receive medications in school, please have your child's doctor write orders. An adult will need to bring these into school along with a parent/guardian written permission for the medication. No medication can be given otherwise. See link above.
Physical Exams: If your child has a well-child physical, please be sure to request a copy for the school nurse. NYS requires physicals for Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd and 5th grade, but all physicals are welcome throughout the year!! Refer to the District Health Office link for more info: Physical and Dental Exams
Immunizations: If your child receives any immunizations please ask for a copy for the school nurse. Refer to the link above for a list of immunizations required by NYS for school attendance.
Screenings: Your child will be screened by the school nurse during the school year for vision, hearing and scoliosis and required by NYS Law. If the Health Office has a current physical on file and the physician has performed the required screen, the nurse does not need to screen your child.
Field Trips: Remember that we need an extra labeled prescription container for daily medications so we can send medication on field trips. A school nurse does not regularly attend field trips, therefore medications are usually administered by other school staff if needed on field trips. Please refer to the District Health Office link for more info: Field Trips
Attendance Line: (585) 670-1004. The nurse does not take attendance. Please call the Attendance Line number if your child will not be attending school. If your child is ill for an extended period of time, has been diagnosed with strep throat or another contagious illness, or is injured and requires modifications in school, please call the nurse before your child returns to school to discuss and develop a safe return to school.