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Life-Threatening Allergies in School

Life-Threatening Allergies

  • Food Allergies currently account for 6-8 % of the school aged population.

  • Tiny amounts of an allergen may present a life-threatening risk for allergic students.

  • Major Food Allergens: Peanuts, Tree nuts (almond, brazil nut, cashew, hazelnut, macadamia nut, pecan, pine nuts, pistachio and walnuts), milk, egg, soy, wheat, fish and shellfish account for 90% of food allergies.

  • Nation-wide, peanut and tree nuts account for 92% of the severe and fatal allergic reactions.  Insect stings, medication and latex account for the remaining 8% of severe and fatal reactions.

Webster's Allergen-Reduction Management

All students have the right to safe access the educational benefits our school district provides.  Providing a safe school environment involves the collaboration of parents, providers, students, and school personnel using the guidelines per Public Health Law §2500-h. WCSD provides reasonable accommodations to ensure the safety of our students.  However, as the world is not allergen-free, neither are schools.  It is the District's goal to assist students in becoming knowledgeable and independent with their health needs, including life-threatening allergies. WCSD will make accommodations consistent with the student's age and maturity level.  Students should be completely independent in recognizing and avoiding their allergens by the time they enter middle school.

Parents/guardians of students with life-threatening allergies need to conference with their school nurse to develop a plan that is appropriate for their child before the school year begins or before the child returns to school after being diagnosed with a new life-threatening allergy.


How to Use an EpiPen
How to Administer Auvi-Q 
How to Use Adrenaclick Auto Injector
Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE)
Bee Sting Allergies

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