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Compassionately Connected, Joyfully Engaged, Always Learning


Start-time Study Group

The research is compelling: adolescents have a different sleep cycle than the rest of us. This study group explored the connections between mind, body, and schedules for school-age children and developed recommendations about how to better support these connections as a district. The recommendations were accepted by the board in August 2018, and we started with our new schedule a year later in September 2019. Our new start times for elementary schools are 7:50 a.m. - 2:20 p.m. (Plank North and Klem North are 7:40 a.m. - 2:10 p.m.) and 8:45 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. for secondary schools (middle and high schools).

Follow these links for more information:

FAQ Research Work 2017-2018 Work 2018-2019


Mission and Vision

Words matter. In 2016, it had been almost a decade since we checked in on our mission and vision statements to ensure they still reflected (and directed) our priorities. People from across the district came together to examine and revise them, and the results are here.

Follow this link for more information on the process we used to reset our mission and vision statements, as well as current efforts.

Girls conducting science experiment

Core Beliefs

During the first, formal round of strategic planning in 2010, as subcommittees began their work and stakeholders from across the district provided feedback through surveys (see additional sections below), it became clear that there were a few things of deep importance guiding all the conversations -- but that no one had captured these beliefs in one spot. A writing group did, and the results are here.

Follow this link for more information on the process we used to define our Core Beliefs, as well as current efforts.

Essential Skills

College, career, and community readiness guided strategic planning efforts during 2014 and 2015. Surprisingly, as parents, teachers, and administrators dug into all three types of readiness, some common needs emerged -- things like self-advocacy, flexibility, and persistence. Often called "soft skills" or just "21st Century skills", we chose to call them Essential Skills, and made a commitment to helping our students learn about and practice them throughout their time with us.

Follow this link for more information on the process we used to the define the Essential Skills, as well as current efforts.

Initial Task Force

The first three areas we worked on as a district were communications, technology, and family engagement.

Surveys and Metrics

If we don't ask, how will we know? And what is it that we need to know? Two key outcomes from the first round of strategic planning that continue to serve the district well are surveys and metrics. Since 2010, we have regularly surveyed parents, secondary students, and all district employees on a wide range of topics -- from how well we communicate as a district to how connected students feel in school. We use those survey results and other sources of information to help define ways to improve weak spots and to celebrate strengths, keeping track of our progress through a single metrics document.

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