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Webster schools - click for home
Compassionately Connected, Joyfully Engaged, Always Learning

Teacher Resources

Safari Montage
This site includes streaming video, audio, and film clips.
If required to log in use Google login.
This site features author interviews, book trailers, and lesson planning materials.
If required to log in use:
Username: "leave blank" 
Password: monroe1boces
Royalty-free music and sound effects for use in multi-media projects.
WXXI Education
WXXI Education e-Newsletter, includes program listings.
WXXI Programming Request
World Language books available in the library.
6-12 Digital Resources
Click on icon above for a list of approved software
Select "Sign in with school account"


Placing a Book Hold in the Destiny Library Catalog 

Placing a book on hold in our Follett Library Catalog, even if it isn't currently available, ensures that you are next in line for that book. Once your book becomes available, library staff will email you to let you know that it is ready for pickup at the circulation desk. The graphic and video below provide instructions for students to log into the catalog, place a hold, and check their library accounts.

Faculty and staff need to add an underscore between their first and last names to log in. For example, if your laptop username is Jane Doe, your library catalog username is Jane_Doe. Passwords remain the same.

Placing a Book on Hold
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