Mandatory Emergency Drills
Webster schools are located within a 10-mile radius of the Ginna Power Plant. As such, the district works closely with state, federal, and local emergency preparedness officials in emergency planning. Should a Ginna related emergency require the evacuation of students and staff, parents will be notified through ParentSquare. Information will also be available through local media outlets as well as the district website and district social media. Monroe Community College is the designated site for a district-wide evacuation. Should a need arise to evacuate an individual school or schools, students and staff will be relocated to predetermined sites. Parents will be notified as described above.
Webster CSD is required to annually conduct an Emergency Preparedness Early Release Drill designed to test the district’s plan for the early dismissal of students. Parents/guardians are notified in advance of the drill so that they can be prepared for their students to be dismissed early and arrive home by bus early on the given date.