School Records and Transcripts
If you are a current or former student of Webster Schroeder High School, Webster Thomas High School, Webster High School, or R.L. Thomas High School and in need of your records or transcripts, this is your starting point. Also available are immunization records, IEP records, and 504 plans. Please follow the appropriate buttons below.
Webster Schroeder HS
and Webster High School
Robin Mezzanini
P: (585) 670-5010
F: (585) 671-7037
If you are a current or a former student of Webster Schroeder High School or Webster High School and need to request your high school records, please follow the appropriate button below.
Webster Thomas HS
and R.L. Thomas High School
Jodi Gloskey
P: (585) 670-8033
F: (585) 670-8032
If you are a current or previous graduate of Webster Thomas High School or R.L. Thomas High School and need to request your high school records, please follow the appropriate button below.