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2020 Water Quality Testing Results

Per the regulation, the 2020 compliance period required schools to test all outlets used for drinking/cooking between January 1 and December 31, 2020, and remediation activities to continue after that time. However, due to the unprecedented circumstances confronting schools during the 2020 compliance period due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the NYS Department of Health extended the 2020 compliance period to June 30, 2021.

In April and May of 2021, Webster CSD contracted LaBella Associates to sample potable water outlets throughout the district such as bottle fillers, kitchen sinks, classroom sinks, art room sinks, medical office sinks, etc.  At the time of the initial sampling drinking fountains were not operational due to the COVID-19 pandemic and therefore not tested. The district began flushing and testing drinking fountains throughout the district in February 2022 in order to return them into service. Drinking fountains will not be reopened until they test below the NYS Action Level of 15 parts per billion.

In accordance with Subpart 67-4 requirements, sampling was limited to “first-draw” samples. A volume of the first 250 mL of water was taken from each cold water outlet in the inventory. The samples were then promptly packaged and shipped to a NYS Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (ELAP) accredited laboratory. Samples were analyzed utilizing Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) environmental analysis method 200.9 Rev 2.2 for lead in potable water.

A total of 861 outlets were tested throughout Webster CSD in April-May 2021. The entire testing report prepared by Labella Associates is available below for reference. The laboratory results indicated that 89 sources of potential potable water in district buildings have been identified as having lead concentrations above the NYS Action Level of 15 parts per billion. Below is a list per school, the number of fixtures with lead levels exceeding the NYS Action Level of 15 parts per billion:

  • Schlegel Road Elementary School –  10

  • Klem Road South Elementary School – 15

  • Plank Road South Elementary School – 10

  • Klem Road North Elementary School – 6

  • State Road Elementary School – 6

  • Dewitt Road Elementary School – 5

  • Plank Road North Elementary School – 4

  • Willink Middle School – 1

  • Spry Middle School – 2

  • Webster Schroeder High School – 16

  • Webster Thomas High School – 13

  • Webster Aquatic Center – 0

  • Buildings and Grounds – 1

  • Tutoring Center – 0

  • Transportation Center – 0

It is important to note that 90% of the outlets tested in the district’s buildings were at or below the EPA/NYS recommended level of 15 ppb. Once laboratory results were received, all fixtures exceeding 15ppm were taken offline by shutting off the fixture, restricting use to the fixture by using barriers/covers and/or labeled "Do Not Drink, Not for Human Consumption, Handwashing Only". Classroom sinks were needed to stay in service due to COVID-19 handwashing protocols and were labeled "Do not Drink, For Handwashing Only".  

Remediation of these sink fixtures may include replacing outlets, permanently isolating outlets, adding water filtration, or renovations to the plumbing system. Retesting of fixtures will be conducted once remediation is complete and signage will remain until such units meet the mandated 15 ppb or less threshold.

The district’s spring 2021 results are available below for your reference. If you have any questions regarding the district’s water testing procedures, please contact WCSD Buildings & Grounds Manager Blaine Cunningham at 265-6585 or

Additional Information

NYS Department of Health Lead Testing of School Drinking Water Website

3Ts for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Child Care Facilities

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