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Compassionately Connected, Joyfully Engaged, Always Learning

Red House Office

Welcome to Willink Red House!
On behalf of the Willink Red House, we would like to welcome you to our website.

David Kramer ~ Assistant Principal

Kim Hutchings ~ Secretary


To report an absence or contact the Red House Office, call (585)-670-1038.

Red House Mission Statement
Willink Middle School Red House strives to promote academic excellence, personal excellence, and community excellence while providing each child with opportunities to learn twenty-first century skills while advancing from grade sixth through eighth. We will work to maintain a safe, collaborative, risk taking, and fun educational environment for all.


New York State Education law requires that all children attend school until the last day of the school year in which they turn 16. 

School districts must record all absences, tardiness, and time lost by a pupil.  Parents must inform school if their child will be absent for any part of the day.  Parents whose children are absent and have not been reported will be contacted by school personnel.

Absenteeism is classified as excused or unexcused.  Excused absences are those that are due to unavoidable circumstances or are related to the educational needs of the student, such as personal illness, religious observance, weather conditions, required legal appearance, approved college visits, military obligations, or other reasons as may be approved by the Commissioner of Education. 

Absences for activities that could have been done outside of the school day or avoided with appropriate planning, such as vacations and baby-sitting, are considered unexcused.  School principals or their designee will determine whether an absence is excused or unexcused.

The Board of Education has established 85 percent as its minimum attendance standard.

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