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Compassionately Connected, Joyfully Engaged, Always Learning



Brian Freeman
Assistant Superintendent for Business
P:  (585) 216-0017



The Purchasing Department is authorized to administer all purchasing activities with regard to materials, supplies and services. The primary function of Purchasing is to ensure that the District receives the best possible products and services that meet the needs of the requesting department at the lowest possible cost. The Purchasing Agent coordinates vendor contracts and supervises the procurement process to ensure compliance with Board of Education policies and New York State Law.

Bidding and Quoting Rules
Rules governing the purchasing process are set forth in General Municipal Law 103 and 104b. Under this system, purchase awards are made to the lowest responsible vendor who meets the District's specifications and conditions outlined in bid packages. Bid opportunities are advertised in the legal notices section of the Webster Herald. Bid and quote opportunities may be downloaded from the links listed below.

Purchase Orders
Merchandise should not be shipped or any service rendered unless a purchase order number has FIRST been obtained from the Purchasing Agent. Suppliers are cautioned against acting on oral or written requests for supplies or services from any individual unless accompanied by a valid purchase order number. Valid purchase orders do not begin with the letters "PND". These are requisition numbers and do not represent a valid purchase order. The district is not financially responsible for unauthorized orders by individuals.

Supplier Access to District Offices and Schools
Door-to-door solicitation and random calls are not permitted anywhere on District premises. To ensure the safety of our students, access to District schools and departments is by appointment only. Suppliers on District property must abide by all District rules and regulations including, but not limited to: display of visitor badges, parking, non-smoking, etc. Suppliers on District property must abide by all instructions given by the appropriate building administrator.

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